From February Forward

Before you jump to your next goal for 2024, we’d like to take a minute to give you a virtual high-five. Not only have you stuck with us through all the leaping puns, but you’ve also shown you’re committed to improving your heart health. We are proud of you, but the journey doesn’t end here.

In an earlier message, we suggested celebrating small victories. In that spirit, take a moment to reflect on what has worked for you over the last few weeks. Maybe you’ve exercised more or started eating healthier. Feel free to jump for joy or do a happy dance about that!

If there are tips you didn’t get around to this month, don’t be too hard on yourself. Changing our habits takes time and dedication, but we’ll also tell you a secret – you can continue to use these tips any time you want.

And on days you’re not feeling motivated? Remember the words of Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle: “The challenging part is in the beginning; it’s a leap of faith. But I think the most important thing is to just do it. Start.”

One way to do that is to strive for one new health goal every month in 2024. Maybe you want to find ways to stress less in March, hop into bed earlier in June or celebrate sober October. Those are great jumping-off points.

We believe in you and know you can do it. Leap Year is definitely going to be “your year.”